Saturday, March 12, 2011

I was reading in a magazine the other day that some photographers over the past few years have challenged themselves to take a photo every day for an entire year. Some just documented aspects of life- of their lives, others actually picked some sort of theme. I was juggling the idea around in my head, considering doing it myself, since I have really lacked some inspiration to go take pictures lately. Today I decided I would, and I was going to just do random photos for a year and see what I ended up with, when a friend suggested a theme might be better, or at least more interesting. I actually had one in mind, but at the time I was thinking it might be too vague. After more deliberation, I decided that I really wanted to do this theme anyway.

Everyday for a year I will be trying to take photos that are in some way representive of redemption.

This could be interesting in asheville.

As an afterthought, I realized that the more you look for something, the more you see it, everywhere that it's been all along. It's just putting on new eyes. I'm pretty excited about it, because I think a lot of the time I just get bogged down seeing all the destruction or waste, or abuse, or wronging going on around me... and those things definitely exist. But opening my eyes to redemption is like admitting that I actually believe God; that I actually believe that when he says he can, and does bring good out of a mess, he ain't kiddin'.
It's realizing that Jesus is, quite literally bigger than all of our problems, and when we look hard enough in any situation we will find redemption- ultimately in the face of Jesus.

But man, it doesn't get much more beautiful than opening your starving eyes to a reality that has always been there.
So, the death theme is on hold, not that it isn't important, but every so often I might share my photos and my thoughts on redemption. Seems like I'm gonna be looking for it for awhile. And I'm really hoping it starts changing my eyes and Jesus starts showing up everywhere. He's inescapable, you know.

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