Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I have been reading a lot about pacifism lately.....and it only confirms to me the reason why I am one- if you want labels.

"If innocent people were killed in this operation, we apologize and express our condolences to the families and the people of Afghanistan," he said, adding that the facts were "unclear at this point."

I mean, really, what else could you say?

the people who have these wars, do they feel any remorse at all? Can you imagine being a family member or friend of someone innocently killed like that, and then having these words relayed back to you?
They sound so hollow. They sound like the people killed were just another statistic of war. and an 'oops, we're sorry' apology will fix everything. We made a mistake, but it's ok since we are apologizing.
I'm not saying don't have grace toward people. All I am saying is that it would be nice to actually see some real remorse from someone..... and not an apology because you made a mistake and got caught.
People were killed.
I can't get this across in words. Go cry-go weep for them. Then you will understand what I can't say.
here's the rest of the story: